Integritas Akademik Mahasiswa STABN Sriwijaya

Nita Dwi Atmini


Academic integrity is an important element in the administration of  national education, starting from elementary school level to tertiary education.  This study aims to determine the level of academic integrity experienced by  students of the Sriwijaya College of Buddhism. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. Data  collection techniques using the method of instruments, analysis, and quantitative  quantitative statistics. The instrument used to retrieve data consisted of 60  statements which were divided into 3 aspects, namely: 1) honesty; 2) fairness; 3)  responsibility. The International Center for Academic Integrity (2014: 17) defines  academic integrity as a commitment to five values which include honesty,  trustworthiness, fairness, respect, and responsibility. To guarantee the validity of  the instrument, product moment is used, while reliability is obtained through the  Cronbach Alpha index, which is equal to 0, 750. The results obtained from this study are divided into three dimensions and  as a whole: 1) the overall level of academic integrity of Sriwijaya State Buddhist  High School Students is 162.61%; 2) the level of Academic integrity of Sriwijaya  State Buddhist High School Students in dimension 1 aspect is 85.06%; 3) the level  of academic integrity of Sriwijaya State Buddhist High School Students in the  aspect of dimension 2 is 47.22%; 4) the level of academic integrity of Sriwijaya  State Buddhist High School Students in the aspect of dimension 3 is 30.33%.


Integrity; academic; students

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