Pengaruh Stres Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT XYZ

Meika Purnamsari, Puja Subekti, Pringgondani Pringgondani


This study aims to test and analyze the effect of work stress on employee performance at PT XYZ. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach method with a survey method. Respondents in this study were 30 employees of PT XYZ who met the research criteria. The sampling technique used in this study was non-probability sampling with a saturated sample method. The results of data analysis using simple linear regression showed a t-value = -1.211 with a significance probability value = 0.236. The simple linear regression equation obtained was Y = 69.776 + (-0.341) X. The support provided by the work stress variable on performance was 5%. Partially, work stress did not affect employee performance at PT XYZ.


Work Stress; Performance; PT XYZ

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