Analisis Potensi dan Tantangan Kopi Keliling di Kawasan Ice BSD Grand Boulevard

Dinda Permatasari, Puja Subekti, Andhyka Wicaksono


Trading activity is one of the activities that can turn the wheels of the economy in creating community welfare so that it is better in providing facilities and infrastructure to support activities to sustain the community's standard of living. The type of business that is most interested in by the public is MSME business because this business is a type of business that does not require large amounts of capital. MSME businesses that are often encountered are mobile coffee businesses, one of which is in the ICE BSD City area using pushcarts, motorbikes and cars as alternative sales. Mobile coffee traders in the ICE BSD area target their sales to students, teenagers, and even the elderly, such as motorbike taxi drivers, builders and the local community.The problem raised in this research is the Challenges of Mobile Coffee Traders in ICE BSD which includes points namely: limited trading locations, unpredictable weather changes, mobile coffee traders do not have permanent stalls, many similar traders. The aim of this research is to find out what potential supports the activities of mobile coffee traders in the ICE BSD City area. This research uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach by observing the activities of traders and mobile coffee customers directly in the field. The subjects of this research were mobile coffee traders, customers and security officers in the ICE BSD area. This research was carried out from January to July 2024. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Data validity tests include Credibility, Transferability, Dependability, and Confirmability. The data that has been obtained is analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model, namely data collection, reduction, display and drawing conclusions. The research results found that the potential and challenges greatly influence the income of mobile coffee traders in the ICE BSD area. There is potential to support the smooth running of trading activities, while challenges are something that must be considered and faced by traveling traders in order to maintain maximum trading activities.


Potential; Challenges; Mobile coffee in the ICE BSD Boulevard area.

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