Konsep Mahanamaskara Dalam Ajaran Tantrayana Zhen Fo Zong Kasogatan Di Vihara Vajra Bumi Nusantara

Kunarso Kunarso


This research is based on problems that occur in society, including some Buddhists have difficulty finding literature that discusses the teachings of Tantrayana, the Tantrayana school has differences with other Buddhist schools, the availability of literary sources about Tantrayana teachings is still very limited, the lack of understanding of religious concepts can lead a person to fall. do things that harm themselves and others, some Buddhists have less knowledge about the concept of Chess Prayoga. This study aims to find out the concept of visualization mahanamaskara in the Tantrayana Zen teachings of Fo Zhong Kasogatan, the meaning and how to practice visualization mahanamaskara. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The object of the research is Mahanamaskara of Visualization in the Tantrayana Zen Teachings of Fo Zhong Kasogatan, while the subjects in the study are Buddhist administrators and monk in the monastery. The research was carried out at the Vajra Bumi Nusantara monastery, Tangerang, Banten. The time of the research starts from August to December 2020. The data collection technique by interview, observation, and documentation. Test the validity or validity of the data by using triangulation techniques. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model. The research results show that showed that mahanamskara visualization is one part of the Catur Prayoga sadhana which has a very important meaning because it is the first step for someone to learn Tantrayana before going to further stages. There are several benefits of practicing visualization Mhanamaskara, including eradicating pride and bad karma, as a form of repentance and asking for blessings from the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha. Mahanamaskara can be done by sitting cross-legged without prostrating, or by prostrating. Some of the mudras used in the practice of visualization mahanamaskara include the jinanjik mudra, the lotus mudra, the Anjali vajra mudra, and the samaropa mudra which are dedicated to honoring the Mula Acarya and the Three Jewels, the Bodhisattvas in the ten directions, the Dharmapalas, and the aryas (holy beings).


Mahanamaskara; visualization; Tantrayana; Zen Fo Zhong Kasogatan; Monastery

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