Partisipasi Generasi Milenial Dalam Mengawasi Tahapan Pemilu 2024
Media is an essential tool for delivering information, particularly in the political realm, such as political processes. One such process in Indonesia is elections, which can succeed with the support of the millennial generation. Millennials are agents of change who advocate for the principles of the Indonesian state, shaping political dynamics and democracy towards improvement, especially in monitoring fair and transparent election stages. For Indonesia to progress, it requires millennials who are innovative, creative, politically aware, technologically literate, actively interested in politics, and capable of using media wisely. This research aims to compare the role of millennials in 2019 with their role in 2024, particularly their active involvement in election monitoring. The approach used is qualitative, employing case study and comparative case study methods by analysing various sources to identify similarities or differences. The findings reveal that over time, millennials are losing interest in politics due to its consistently negative connotations. Therefore, the role of the government and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) in creating various movements and providing outreach to millennials significantly influences the nation's future.
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