This article is the result of a study that began with increasing of the „identity politics‟, which
emphasizes the role of a religion to achieve politics goals, assuming only one religion is the most
correct while the others religions is wrong. In internal aspect of religion, it is considered as a sectarian
exclusivism which considers anly one sect to be completely right, other sects is wrong. Within the
Buddhist community, sectarian exclusivism hypothesized still exists. Although it does not cause
physical disputes between people, an exclusive attitude can hamper the process of preservation and
development of Buddhism. From these considerations, a study was conducted to find out the
perceptions of Buddhist leaders in Jakarta and Tangerang regarding exclusivism in Buddhism. This
research is a descriptive qualitative study by case study approach. The data collected was analyzed
using the Miles and Huberman model, through data collected, reduction, display and verification or
conclusions. Credibility data was carried out by triangulation, member checks, discussions with peers,
and also extension of research time. From the results of the study it could be concluded that Buddhist
leaders perceive that internal exclusivism is still needed and important for the existence of
sects/assemblies because it describes the characteristics, identity associated with one sect with another
that is suitable for increasing faith to Triple Gem. External exclusivism with assuming the only one is
the truest, the best, the purest and consider the others were wrong is unnecessarily because they only
cause dispute and hinder the development of Buddhism. Factors that cause sectarian exclusivism in
Buddhism are associated with assumptions that if there is no internal sectarian exclusive attitudes
eroded traditions that have been bequeathed by ancestors, the egos of leaders, and different perspective
and leadership paradigm regarding Buddhism. Positive values of sectarian exclusive attitudes are
strengthening the faith of the people to the truth (Dhamma), maintaining the traditions of each sects
that show the identity, and the characteristics of each sects. The negative values of exclusivism are
potentially making dispute in communities due to mutual disdain, assume their sect is the easiest, the
best, the purest and considers as the only truest sect. Efforts are made to reduce the impact of sectarian
exclusivism in Buddhism by holding a joint Vesak celebration, joint social activities, such as social
services, joint Health Walks Program; strengthen the role of non-sect organizations that can unify
Buddhists such as the Banten Buddhist Forum (FUB), Gemabudhi, and the Indonesian Buddhist
Religious Council Association (Permabudhi).
Full Text:
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