Pengaruh Kematangan Beragama dan Perilaku Asertif Terhadap Integritas Akademik Peserta Didik SMA-SMK pada Sekolah Berbasis Buddhis
Academic integrity is important for educational staff and academics to have and apply in order to achieve goalseducation. Academic integrity can be influenced by several factors. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of religious maturity and assertive behavior which are significant simultaneously on the academic integrity of SMA-SMK students in Buddhist-based schools. This research is a quantitative research with a survey method using multiple linear regression analysis. Respondents to this study were 500 students from 5 school units, namely Ariya Metta Vocational High School, Atisa Dipamkara High School - Vocational High School, and Perguruan Budhi High School - Vocational High School. The results of the prerequisite test show that the data is normally distributed, the influence of the two independent variables on the dependent is linear, there is no autocorrelation, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity. The results of multiple linear regression analysis show the value of Fcount = 191.143 with a significance probability = 0.000. The multiple linear regression equation obtained is Y = 20.555 + 0.084X1 +0,633X2. The support given by the variables of religious maturity and assertive behavior towards the academic integrity of SMA-SMK students in Buddhist-based schools is 43.6%. Partially, religious maturity affects the academic integrity of SMA-SMK students in Buddhist-based schools if assertive behavior is controlled. Assertive behavior also affects the academic integrity of SMA-SMK students in Buddhist-based schools if religious maturity is controlled.
Integritas akademik penting untuk dimiliki dan diterapkan oleh tenaga kependidikan serta akademisi agar dapat mencapai tujuan kependidikan. Integritas akademik dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji pengaruh kematangan beragama dan perilaku asertif yang signifikan secara simultan terhadap integritas akademik peserta didik SMA-SMK pada sekolah berbasis Buddhis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survei menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Responden penelitian ini adalah 500 peserta didik dari 5 unit sekolah yaitu SMK Ariya Metta, SMA-SMK Atisa Dipamkara, dan SMA-SMK Perguruan Budhi. Hasil uji prasyarat menunjukkan bahwa data berdistribusi normal, pengaruh kedua variabel bebas terhadap terikat bersifat linier, tidak terjadi autokorelasi, multikolinearitas, serta heteroskedastisitas. Hasil analisis regresi linear berganda menunjukkan nilai Fhitung = 191,143 dengan probabilitas signifikansi = 0,000. Adapun persamaan regresi linear berganda yang diperoleh yaitu Y= 20,555 + 0,084X1 +0,633X2. Dukungan yang diberikan oleh variabel kematangan beragama dan perilaku asertif terhadap integritas akademik peserta didik SMA-SMK pada sekolah berbasis Buddhis sebesar 43,6%. Secara parsial, kematangan beragama berpengaruh terhadap integritas akademik peserta didik SMA-SMK pada sekolah berbasis Buddhis jika perilaku asertif dikendalikan. Perilaku asertif juga berpengaruh terhadap integritas akademik peserta didik SMA-SMK pada sekolah berbasis Buddhis jika kematangan beragama dikendalikan.
Keywords/Katakunci:Â Religious Maturity, Assertive Behavior, Academic Integrity, High School-Vocational High School Students, Buddhist Based Schools.
Kata Kunci/Katakunci: Kematangan Beragama, Perilaku Asertif, Integritas Akademik, Peserta Didik SMA-SMK, Sekolah Berbasis Buddhis
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