Penggunaan Metode Problem Based Learning Terhadap Peningkatan Budi Pekerti Materi Pelajaran 3 Kasih Sayang di Keluarga Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Buddha dan Budi Pekerti

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Affection or in Pali language called karuna which is related to increasing the feeling of affection for parents. By having the nature of karuna a child rejects all forms of violence, hatred, hurt and hostility. Instead, develop a friendly, generous, easy-to-understand and be understood attitude and always want the happiness and welfare of others. A child will have these attitudes if parents use wisdom by teaching children about devotion. Devotion can be interpreted as realizing the true value and benefits of a person in various ways.

This study aims to determine the increase in the attitude of affection of students towards parents in grade II and to determine the increase in learning achievement of grade II students through the use of the Problem-based learning method at SD Dharma Loka, Pekanbaru City. The research design used is classroom action. The research subjects consisted of 26 grade II students of SD Dharmaloka Pekanbaru.

The results of the study showed that the application of the Problem Based Learning method had a positive influence, namely it could increase student learning motivation which was shown by the activeness and interest of students in learning with the Problem Based Learning method so that they became motivated to learn.


Compassion, Problem Based Learning;Education;Religion;Buddhism

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