Minat Umat Buddha Mengikuti Puja Bakti di Cetiya Dhamma Mitta Kota Tangerang

Liong Houw


Puja devotion is one of the activities for Buddhists to practice virtue and  increase knowledge. The devotional puja provides a means for Buddhists to  interact and cooperate. Buddhism, through the role of its religious leaders,  performs the function of moral and spiritual formation for the people, especially  at religious services and other religious rituals. The function of coaching is  educational, namely guiding and teaching the community to be able to apply good  moral values, honesty, love, tenacity, open-heartedness, tolerance, and other  virtues. Although the devotional program brings many benefits to the development  of one's moral ethics, everyone's interest in following a devotional prayer varies.  Interest grows and develops in a person depending on the factors that support it,  such as economic motives, environment, family, friendship, and so on. In order to  know more deeply about the interest of Buddhists to attend the devotional  ceremony, researcher is interested in finding out about this among the Cetiya  Dhamma Mitta devotees in Tangerang City. This study uses descriptive  qualitative methods, namely research methods based on the philosophy of  postpositivism, which is used to examine the conditions of natural objects.  Sampling of data sources was carried out purposively and snowball, the  collection technique used triangulation (combined), inductive / qualitative data  analysis, and the results of qualitative research emphasized meaning rather than  generalization (Sugiyono. 2012: 15). Analysis of the collected data used the Miles  and Huberman model, which is to collect data interactively continuously until it is  complete. The stages include data collection, data reduction, and drawing  conclusions or verification (conclusion / verification). The validity of the data was  tested by means of triangulation and member check. This is to enhance the  credibility of the research data. The role of Cetiya Dhamma Mitta as a place of  worship for Buddhists in Alam Indah Housing and its surroundings is quite  aspirational in accommodating and developing the spiritual spirit of Buddhists.  Buddhists who originally followed traditional Buddhism gradually came to  understand the Dhamma and were able to apply it to their daily lives.


Devotion; interest; Dhamma; Mitta; triangulation.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.69835/sati.v12i1.567


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