Kompetensi Literasi Informasi Siswa di Era Digital (Studi Kasus Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Setia Bhakti Tangerang)
The research problem of this study is how the information literacy competence of students in the digital era at Setia Bhakti Vocational High School Tangerang. The purpose of the research is to determine the information literacy competence of students in the digital era at Setia Bhakti Vocational High School Tangerang. The level of information literacy competence is categorized (high, medium, and low) and measured using dimensions of information literacy.
This type of research is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The subjects of the study are students of Setia Bhakti Vocational High School for the academic year 2022/2023, totaling 161 students. The object of the research is the information literacy competence of students. The sample was determined using random sampling. Data collection was done using a non-test technique with a questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed using Google Forms. The research location is at Setia Bhakti Vocational High School Tangerang. The questionnaire uses four classifications on a Likert scale. Data analysis techniques include descriptive statistical techniques using mean values and standard deviations.
The results of the study indicate that the level of information literacy competence in the digital era among students at Setia Bhakti Vocational High School Tangerang is 65.37%, which falls into the sufficient category. The information literacy competence for each student is 13% in the high category, 73% in the medium category, and 14% in the low category. The level of information literacy competence in the digital era among students at Setia Bhakti Vocational High School Tangerang for the Task Definition dimension is 72.49%, the Information Seeking Strategies dimension is 76.36%, the Location and Access dimension is 64.44%, the Use of Information dimension is 68.40%, the Synthesis dimension is 67.64%, and the Evaluation dimension is 71%.Keywords
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.69835/sati.v14i2.550
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