Represetasi nilai cinta kasih program talkshow voice of daai (semiotika john fiske)

Ratana Devi, Edi Ramawijaya Putra, Nyoto Nyoto


This research is motivated by the uniqueness and problems that often occur in the world of television. The uniqueness of the Voice of DAAI talk show program is in the television slogan DAAI TV's universal love. Apart from that, consumption of mass media such as television can change people's behavior. This research aims to describe the value of universal love in the Voice of DAAI talk show program by analyzing data using John Fiske's semiotic studies at the levels of reality, representation and ideology. This research is descriptive qualitative with data analysis techniques using content analysis. The research results show that there is a representation of the value of love which is shown through appearance, attitudes and behavior in the Voice of DAAI broadcast. Apart from that, the Voice of DAAI talk show program also conveys social criticism and positive attitudes to society, especially targeting the youth segment.


universal love; representation; semiotics john fiske; talk show

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