Hubungan Antara Pelatihan Pabbajja dengan Pembentukan Karakter Remaja di Vihara Bodhisatta Buddhist Center
Character-forming trought character education is an appropriate thing to do to solve the moral corruption problem in youth. Nevertheless, in reality, the educational and internalizing of character values is not optimal. Further study is thus needed on effort to character education. The problem of this research is the undefinate link between pabbajj? training and the character-forming of youth at Vihara Bodhisatta Buddhist Center. Study needs to be conducted to describe the relationship between pabbajj? training and the character-forming of youth which has been carried out at Vihara Bodhisatta Buddhist Center. This study uses a quantitative approach with ex post facto correlational research method. The sampling method used in this research is simple random. The participants in this study were 126 youth who practice pabbajj? at Vihara Bodhisatta Buddhist Center between 2017 and 2019. Data was gathered using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. Prerequisite tests include normality and linierity were conducted before analyze the data using bivariate correlation. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov residual normality test yielded a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.069 with a significance of 0.200, indicating that the data is normally distributed. The correlation coefficient (r) of 0.763 is larger than rtable of 0.175, and the significance of the research hypothesis test is <.001, which is less than 0.05, therefore H0 is rejected. It can be stated that pabbajj? training and the character-forming of youth which has been carried out at the Bodhisatta Buddhist Center have a strong correlation. The correlation coefficient (r) is 0.763 indicating that the degree of association between pabbajj? training and character-forming is substantial and positive. The coefficient of determination is 0.581, indicating that pabbajj? training has a 58.1 % effect on the character-forming of youth who were practicing pabbajj? at the Bodhisatta Buddhist Center. Meanwhile, 41.9 % is affected by other character-forming variables which not been studied.
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