Makna Meditasi Cinta Kasih Bagi Mahasiswa STAB Negeri Sriwijaya Tangerang Banten

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The purpose of the research proposed by students is to study involving love. Describe the implementation, meaning, results, impact, and expectations of love for Sriwijaya STAB students. This type of research is the steps that are used systematically to collect data in conducting research and assist in making scientific work. In discussing this use descriptive qualitative research methods. The subjects of this study were students of STABN Sriwijaya Tangerang Banten. Sriwijaya STAB. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The data validity technique uses the validity and reliability test. validity is carried out to guarantee the validity and credibility of the data, to complete the degree of trustworthiness (credibility), transferability, dependence (dependency) and certainty (confirmation). The data analysis technique used descriptive analysis which gave rise to a qualitative narrative to find out the students. Got an understanding of love for students of STABN Sriwijaya Tangerang Banten. Based on the data obtained by the researcher, we can conclude the meaning of publication of love for the students of Sriwijaya State Buddhist Religion College, namely: (1) b) the time of the revision; c) Frequency; and d) how to implement learning. (2) The meaning of learning Love. See some aspects, namely: The object of love support. Metta bhavana or universal love is growing. Meditation that starts from preparation, beginning, middle, and after the transition, will give a lot of meaning in meditation. (3) Impact, expectations, and evaluation results. Where agreeing to be done right will give benefits to those who do. Deaf to all creatures that are around. Eradicate hatred of other creatures. Feel calmer and more patient.


Keywords: love meditation, students of STABN Sriwijaya

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