Penanaman Nilai Religiositas pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Kelas Atas melalui Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Buddha dan Budi Pekerti (Studi Kasus Di Sekolah Dasar Punna Karya Curug Kabupaten Tangerang)

Nanda Putra Jaya, I Ketut Damana, Jatayu Jiwanda DL


The aim of this research is to describe the instilling of religiosity values in upper class students through learning (case study at Punna Karya Curug Elementary School, Tangerang Regency). This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The subjects in this research were the principal, upper class students, and Buddhist teachers at Punna Karya Elementary School. The object of this research is to see and describe the instillation of religious values in upper class students through learning Buddhism by observing students' activities at school. The data collection techniques used by researchers were observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research show that; 1) Forms of instilling the value of religiosity carried out by school principals and Buddhist teachers, namely carrying out devotional puja religious activities every Friday, holding major holiday ceremonies in Buddhism starting from Vesak, Magha Puja, Kathina, and Asadha; 2) Efforts are made to instill the value of religiosity in upper class students at Punna Karya Elementary School, namely appreciation of the Dhamma before Vesak, teachers provide direct examples by participating in religious activities at school, holding devotional prayers every Friday, the principal and teachers participate in these activities and provide direct practice to students, invite upper class students to do the Namakara Patha and Pubbabhaganamakara prayers when starting learning and closing activities at school; 3) The obstacles faced and the solutions sought by teachers in instilling the value of religiosity at Punna Karya Elementary School through learning are the different characters of students which hinder the teacher's efforts in instilling the value of religiosity in school. Teachers must understand the attitudes and behavior of each student and most parents. handing over full responsibility to teachers in educating their children. The solution being pursued is by approaching each student, inviting discussion, communicating with parents, providing direction to students, inviting students to remind each other to always do virtuous actions, so that a comfortable learning environment can be created; 4) The benefits of instilling religious values in upper elementary school teachers and students are that students can be easily managed, students have good character, maintain moral values, a comfortable learning environment because there is a feeling of love for friends and teachers, students can apply the teaching values Buddha well.


cultivating religiosity values; learning Buddhism

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